We spend a lot of time in our kitchens, they are the heart of the home and rightly so. When we are designing our residential interior designed sustainable kitchen, it is generally one of our biggest areas of expenditure and we need to get it right.
How do we make sure we don't make any mistakes and create a kitchen that is timeless, functional, beautiful, and sustainable?
If you can, employ the help of a professional interior designer, if your budget doesn't stretch to that, there are also many kitchen companies that will provide a design service for you, just make sure they're the right fit for you and can deliver what you really want to achieve.
It's useful to note there are not many kitchen companies that will manufacture a 'green' and healthy kitchen that tick the sustainable box, although this is slowly changing due to demand. Doing some research on this would be advantageous.
First, source some images of kitchens that you really like, this will help establish, style and colour, you may see different elements from separate kitchens that you would like to see used together.
We use Pinterest to source these images and create private boards of designs you like, this helps you form a clearer picture and can be shared with anyone helping you to create your ideal kitchen, by collating all of these ideas, loves, and likes in one place.
Let’s look at the questions you need to be asking yourself - it's handy to jot the answers down.
What is your budget, be honest and realistic with this number. Your project can then be tailored around this budget, saving you time and money.
Is the kitchen in the perfect location for you in the house? Note, changing locations might not be possible and could be expensive depending on where your utilities are located.
What do you not like about your current kitchen and what would you like to change?
Would you consider keeping your kitchen units and re-painting them?
Integrate open plan dining or a separate dining area?
Incorporate an island unit?
Re-use or replace appliances?
Wine coolers, double ovens or a range - choose energy-efficient appliances.
A built-in fridge as opposed to free-standing with or without a water dispenser?
What materials do you like the look and feel of?
Would you like to incorporate the latest technology for lighting and heating?
Underfloor heating is fairly standard nowadays and can be used with or without supplemental radiators? Have your BTU (British Thermal Units) requirements calculated.
How important is sustainability for you, how much are you willing to adopt?
Can you support UK products and manufacturers, is this important to you?
What are deal breakers for you?
Download this free guide if you want to see a list of alternative stone and marble products
When you have your list and think you might be ready to get started, I highly recommend a construction package to be produced which should include, plans and elevation, all finishes, and specification of the product. Hire a professional residential interior designer to do this for you, it will be worth the investment on the front end knowing what you are getting along with a well-thought-out plan, which will save you time and money. Your construction drawings and information can then be sent to tender for competitive pricing if you wish.

The above kitchen is one we worked on with the client and Devol Kitchens. This kitchen shows what you can achieve using natural materials and design elements whilst still achieving a beautifully conceived luxury interior designed kitchen that doesn't cost the earth.
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I look forward to catching up with you soon 🌿